Photo Blog: Day 2913

#2913 – Rose-Tinted Glasses

Worthing, January 2020.

She couldn’t help but be nostalgic about returning home. She had been away for seven years, touring the world for work and for pleasure, but now was the time to go back to the place of her birth. In some ways she knew it would be an anticlimax – much would have changed on the face of it, but in reality, the place would be little different from the town she left all those years ago. The shops and sights would vary, probably considerably, from the ones she used to visit, but the people, the mentality, the aspirations, they would still be the same. And that was almost disheartening.

Was she making the right decision? To be fair, she had no choice, she had to go, but she had had ample opportunity to send her apologies, make up her reasons, avoid the seemingly unavoidable. So, she had limited her exposure to this huge backwards step to a few days, and her childhood bedroom awaited her, likely no different from the day she had left it, the day she had walked out and never looked back.

Don’t forget to get involved in the new January Blues Mass Observation Project! It’s really simple to take part. If you’re interested, just:

  • Take a photo that represents the January Blues to you
  • Email the image to by Wednesday 29th January
  • Include your name and location and a short note about the photograph
  • Visit on Saturday 1st February to see the Mass Observation Results!


  1. Another great post 🙂
    How you are finding time to write these daily I don’t know but I’m really enjoying them.
    By the way, today on Postcard Cafe I published the first in my January Blues series of images. Obviously inspired by your call for submissions to the Mass Observation Project.
    I went out over the weekend with your theme in mind and came back with some nice shots. The image I have chosen as my submission will only appear on Postcard Cafe after you have published all the images submitted to the project. That way my image remains a surprise until the day you publish it.
    Going out with a theme set by someone else was a refreshing change and I really enjoyed how it focused my approach. Thank you.
    On today’s post I have acknowledged the inspiration for my series of shots and also added details of the Mass Observation Project and linked back to your site.
    Have a great week
    Mr C 🙂

    • Many thanks for your continued support, Mr C!
      The stories tend to evolve as I write each one, to be honest – something from the image triggers them, and I just go with the flow. As for doing them each day; I tend to have a mad burst over the weekend and schedule a week or so’s worth in advance!
      I love your first January Blues shot, and I look forward to seeing what you submit for the MO project. I’ve not had anything come through from anyone at the moment, so I’m keen to see what develops (no pun intended!).
      (I’ve also not forgotten your email – it’s been a bit manic at this end of late, but I will respond!)
      Take care,

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